Wonderings, ramblings, and chatter of a sometimes pissed, sometimes cheery chick
Published on April 13, 2004 By lone maiden In Home & Family
Well, it seems that I have just started a war. Recently, I had posted an article "So What If He's Gay?" speaking of the lame excuses homophobic people have to offer. It seems I have 80 comments so far, arguing about grammar, gays, the Internet and whether Sir Peter Maxwell is a fraud or not.

And I forgot to introduce meself!! Silly me..

I am a 20 year old female college student, who is very political. I am an artist, a poet, a writer, and a critic of everything I see around me.

Likes: humour, intelligence, chocolate, all kinds of music, dancing, art, Converse shoes, Chinese food,

Dislikes: people too quick to judge, those who use the Bible or other religious works for their own benefit, President Bush, laziness

You will never find me: 1) 20,000 leagues under the sea
2) putting flowers on Nixon's grave

You might find me: 1) in a coffee shop, writing
2) in my art studio, painting

Those are my facts of the day..


on Apr 13, 2004
Welcome to Joeuser dear girl
on Apr 13, 2004
Aside from the difference in age, it sounds like we have a lot in common. I write a lot, and while I like painting, I'm really into sketching with pen and ink, and making collages. I'm not American, but I still don't like Bush, much. I've got a daughter who is 6, and have been blogging since Christmas, I figure. If you are into writing poetry, why don't you consider posting on Anti-Prose? It's a blog group founded by JeremyG who has a blog called Literary High. Just follow the directions on how to join; it's pretty easy. It's good to post there, because you can read other people's poetry... it's a good way to to avoid searching individual blogs, and is nice to be able to see what other people are writing. Here's the link.

Sorry your last post got hijacked. I am in agreement with you.

on Apr 13, 2004
You seem like a very loveable person, Sine. Don't be a critic of everything around you though, look for beauty, not ugliness. That, I believe, is the secret to happiness.

Maybe you meant you question everything, which is wonderful, but criticize is such a strong word.

I'm glad you joined us here.

on Apr 13, 2004
Ok..I agree that criticize is a strong word.Maybe analyze suits what I'm trying to say. I am a realist, but at times I can get lost in a world of my own creating. What better that to view something prettier and more amazing than a dark black hole, the ugliness?

Perhaps I did not make myself understood. I analyze critically the world around me, so I might better have the chance of understanding it. Maybe I should just accept it, maybe not.

Who knows?

on Apr 13, 2004

I read your other thread, and i like people like you... I just didn't want to go into the comments, because i may see red and charge at anything that gets in my way, because i have a low tolerance for the intolerant... It's a paradox!!!

Pleased to meet you!

As far as this whole analytical/critical thing goes - if everyone accepted the world as it was, and did not analyse or critique, we would have a very boring place now, wouldn't we?

on Apr 13, 2004
Muggaz, you are absolutely right.

I guess criticizing is a "sin", because if Adam hadn't persuaded Eve to take the fruit, we wouldn't have even be having this discussion about analyzing, we wouldn't be on the Internet, and we would still be in the holy jungle. But that's a big "If". Even if Adam and Eve hadn't picked the fruit, their children were bound to screw it up sometime later...

Biblical history fascinates me. There are so many if's and maybe's..

on Apr 20, 2004
I was curious as to what course you were taking in college?(besides art of course). Hey for all I know we could sit right next to each other everyday, and not even know it? I find you to have an extremly attractive personality, and would love to get to know you better.